Friday, July 22, 2011

Premier League Live: Cagey Kenny keeps us all guessing

Kenny Dalglish was keeping his cards close to his chest and refused to reveal whether Stewart Downing, Jordan Henderson and Alexander Doni will make their debuts for Liverpool tomorrow, as the Reds take on Hull City in a friendly.

Henderson missed the Asia tour due to being rested after participating in the Under 21 Euro Championship, while Doni and Henderson hadn’t completed their deals for the clubs at the time. And Dalglish maintained that while the trio will soon get to wear the Liverpool shirt for the first time, no decisions will be rushed into.

“We will have a look at them and decide what’s best,” Dalglish told the official Liverpool website. “There is certainly no rush for us to play anyone in these pre-season games.”

Dalglish said that the players had only just come into full training, and no risks would be taken when deciding who is fit enough to play again. “Stewart has been training for a fortnight and Jordan only started training on Monday,” he added.

“Everyone has trained well this week and the players are looking in good shape. Nowadays they come back looking as fit as they were before the break. But some have started back later than others and we have to take that into consideration.”

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While Liverpool plan on being competitive and giving the game their all against Hull tomorrow, Dalglish insisted that the match will be about preparing the players to get back into competitive football and gel as a team.

“It’s a pre-season game and we will treat it as such. We need to use these games to give as much benefit to as many players as we can.

“I’m not sure what the ruling will be in terms of the number of subs we can use. But we will certainly use up our full quota and field as many as possible.”

Liverpool are still suffering numerous injury problems, with Glen Johnson, Martin Strkel and Fabio Aurelio out of the Aisa tour with injuries, and Pepe Reina and Steven Gerrard recovering from operations.

And Dalglish said that no risks would be taken tomorrow: “There are a few knocks but they shouldn’t take too long to clear. We’re certainly not going to take any risks with anyone at this stage. We don’t want to spoil anyone’s chances of being fit for the first game of the season. We’ve got plenty of games coming up with the trips to Turkey and Norway after Hull.”

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